

Puerto Rican or Persian 
dashiki, kimono, or turban
they say I dress white, but my swag so urban!

[turban-amazon.com; shirt-h&m; skirt-thrifted; DIY monster shoes; giving life-PRICELESS!]

Hey dolls!!
So lets talk about this "turban craze." I use to only see older women wearing them (images of Ertha Kitt are swarming around in my head) so because of that I wasn't totally sold on them, but once I actually tried one on I instantly fell in love.  Not only are they extremely comfortable but they're fashionable as well; they come in handy when you're having a bad hair day or when you're just being lazy and don't feel like fooling around with your hair. Throw on some hoop earrings to complete the look. I got this one for only $9.99 from amazon.com so they're affordable, every fashionable chick should own one!

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